Creative inspiration, where can we get MORE of it?

Max van Laarhoven2025-01-04

Case study on the most productive artist of all time.

My problem…

As a creative I often get lost in the pressure to PRODUCE. Just relax, people say. I drift off… nothing get’s out… A deadline to force direction, nice! Deadline too close, no words appear…


Where better to go, than to the most productive artist in the world? There is a vault of 10 000 unreleased songs that were never made public. He knew something. PRINCE! I dug through a ton of his interviews to find out the answer.

Believes in god, but not christian. hmm. Talks about living in the moment. Changing his name to a symbol of masculine and feminine energy. There’s something here.. Where does creativity come from?? And how did this guy birth so much of it in this world? Turns out the answer is deeply spiritual.

  1. Opening up your creative gateway
  2. Getting the inspiration into the real world
  3. Finessing

1: Opening up your creative gateway

It is true that true relaxation opens up the gateway. But it’s not the only thing that is important. As spiritual people, we are deeply aware of intention. If there is no clear intention for making a creative work. The idea’s you will receive will not be on the right frequency.

Tune into the right part of the field. Write down why you wan’t to do this, what is the goal with this work? Make sure this is in line with your heart. With this article, I want to help you beautiful creative souls cope with the problems I had.

2: Getting the inspiration into the real world

Getting stuff from the spiritual field into the real world is some of the toughest parts of being a creative. With every work we make, we are literally birthing new things from higher dimensions into 3D reality.

A: Clear translation

B: Volume

A: Clear translation

You might not like what I am going to say. But the answer to the rough translation is for a large part, practice and skill. To transform divine idea’s and inspiration into things that can be observed in 3D reality.

We have to practice being a clear channel. For me that is practicing this writing thing. For prince it was musical expression. Reps are the answer here.

B: Volume

Studying prince, there is a clear answer. Perfectionism is really the enemy at this stage. It explains why that vault exists:

The creative field is chaotic in nature. And a finished art piece is often finessed, highly intentional and detailed.

  • Rough drafts
  • Chaotic musical recordings
  • Early video edits

Prince’s vault contained his rough sounds. The actionable thing to do here, is to figure out your process of recording inspiration.

A notebook, voice recordings whatever works for your profession. Which brings us to the final number.

3: Finessing:

Prince went through all his rough recordings. And combined vibes together to create the final art-piece. His albums. For me this looks like:

  1. Random thoughts.
  2. Into rough drafts.
  3. Into scripts
  4. Into video’s or articles.

Hope you learned something. Love you all from the deepest parts of my soul.


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